Joel Courtney

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EW: " 'Super 8' footage reminds me there are live-action movies starring kids that I can relate to"

Entertainment Weekly has a great article out titled " 'Super 8' footage reminds me there are live-action movies starring kids that I can relate to."

Even if you didn’t know Steven Spielberg was a producer on the ’70s-set picture, you would have felt it watching the scene of the kids. There’s such… affection for them. That’s really the best way I can describe it. They’re smart, funny, passionate, and real. They’re at the age when they still care about things other than girls, but, of course, there’s that longing for one. It also makes sense for Abrams, too, who married two of his ideas for the movie — one he had about kids making Super 8 movies like he and Spielberg did when they were young, and one he had already pitched to Paramount about some “thing” escaping its cross-country train transport from Area 51 to Ohio.