Joel Courtney

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Selected quotes from today's Super 8 Domestic Press Junket

Selected quotes from today's Super 8 Domestic Press Junket

"An instant classic."
"The movie to see this year."

-Mark Rupert, E-Talk

"A mind-blowing masterpiece that will make you excited to go to the movies again!"
"'Super 8' is a film that will make you excited to go the movies again!"
"A brilliant masterpiece that will live on for years."
"Remember the feeling you had when you first saw 'E.T.?' Well get ready to feel it again."
"Abrams has created an epic film that delivers everything from emotion to honesty to down-right thrilling action."
"Epic, brilliant. Masterful."
"Hands down the best movie of 2011 so far!"
"One of the most original, mind-blowing and epic experiences you will have in the theatres this year!"

-Kevin McCarthy, FOX-TV / CBS Radio

"'Super 8' - super great!"
"The most heartwarming sci-fi movie since 'E.T.'"

-Nancy Jay, Daybreak USA

"A cinematic masterpiece. A rare timeless classic that's destined to entertain audiences for years to come. The best film of its kind since 'E.T.' The best film so far this year. Prepare to be blown away."

-Jake Hamilton, FOX-TV

"Nostalgic, gripping, charming and visionary action. Best ensemble of young actors in years."

-Kim Holcomb, KING-TV

"'Super 8' is out of this world. Fantastic! Extra Fantastic!"

-Stacey Elgin, FOX-TV

"'Stand by me' and 'E.T.' on steroids."

-John Uzarek, Deco Drive Miami

"Great fun - a Spielberg adventure not unlike 'The Goonies.'"

-Sam Hallenbeck, NBC Tampa

"The ultimate love letter to Spielberg."
"A must-see out of this world ride!"
"I can't wait to see it again and again."

-Christina Vandre, KARE-TV (NBC)

"Phenomenal!! Reminiscent of 'E.T.', 'Super 8' is this summer's perfect family action adventure!"

-Mose Persico, CTV, Montreal

"The perfect summer movie."
"Spielberg is back."
"Everything you loved about Spielberg for a whole new generation."

-Tony Toscano, Talking Pictures

"JJ Abrams is a blockbuster guaranteed."
"It's 'The Goonies' and 'E.T.' on steroids!"
"JJ Abrams and Steven Spielberg are a dream team."

-Jeff Bayer, KOIN-TV (CBS)

"The perfect thriller! JJ Abrams has done it again."
"'Super 8' is unlike anything you have ever seen before!"
"JJ Abrams and Steven Spielberg has teamed up for the perfect sci-fi thriller!"
"A winder throwback to the films you grew up loving."

-Bryan Erdy, CBS TV / Movieplanet

"'Super 8' has everything to satisfy the sci-fi fans, plus a remarkable story about family, friendship and love."

-Ralph Garcia, KENS-TV (CBS)

"Awesome movie - loved it. JJ and Spielberg have an amazing way of reminding us of why we go to and love movies."
"Yay Gabriel Basso!"
"Joel Courtney was incredible."

-Mark Reardon, KMOV (CBS)

"Brilliant! One of the best movies this summer! Great filmmaking. Superbly acted! You'll laugh, cry and get spooked! Amazing! Thrilling! Exciting!"

-'Manny the Movie Guy', NBC-TV