The Midnight Opening of "Super 8" in Idaho
My school bought out two theaters in my hometown and threw me a big surprise midnight opening.
They dressed in orange (my favorite color) and made a gauntlet for me.
220 people showed up. We could have packed out at least 2 more theaters, but that's all the "Super 8" films that they had available at our small town theater!
And this is me with the staff of the Eastside Cinemas who hosted the event (thanks, Mike!).
Here's me with world-famous author N.D. Wilson. He's well known for the best selling kids book series "100 Cupboards" (soon to be a film series!) and has a new blockbuster book series coming out: "Ashtown Burials". Here's a little piece of trivia: N.D. Wilson graduated from the same school that I attend!
Here's everyone waiting until 11:45pm to get into the theater.
As you can tell, the line was out the door for the midnight showing.
My classmates got their choice of seats in theater #1.
Mrs. Mahaffy is a former teacher at my school, and she's a huge Kyle Chandler fan. I got an autograph from Kyle for her at the premiere.
Here's everyone in Theater #2 getting ready to see "Super 8".
Here I am with classmates, getting ready for the midnight opening.
Mike (manager of the theater) let me introduce "Super 8" to everyone there right before showing it.
Everyone who came got an autographed "Super 8" poster.
Finally, here's a picture of me with the President of Beloved Pictures, Caleb Applegate (and his wife, Shawna).