JJJ Book Club: Joel Courtney Finds A 'Dragon's Tooth'

From JJJ Book Club

Joel Courtney may be filming a classic book (Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn) in Bulgaria, but there’s another book that he can’t put down — “Ashtown Burials: The Dragon’s Tooth” by N.D. Wilson.

The 15-year-old actor opened up about the book in his hand to the JJJ Book Club.

“My favorite book is ‘Ashtown Burials: The Dragon’s Tooth’ by N.D. Wilson. It has a great plot, excellent characters, and leaves you hanging for the next book in the series. Everyone should read it because it’s a kid’s book that’s a “page-turner” and is my favorite genre: fantasy,” Joel said.

Joel also admits that the cover is a definite factor in reading a book. “The cover of the book is what catches my eye. With ‘The Dragon’s Tooth,’ I noticed the snake, the boxing monkey patch, and the tooth on the cover. And I thought: that’s a weird combination.”

Joel Courtney