Will J.J. Abrams Become to D-Box What James Cameron is to 3D?

From FSR:

The first question you must be asking yourself, if you aren’t in the know, is what the heck D-Box is. Turns out it’s a ridiculous version of a standard theater seat that jerks around and vibrates while you’re watching a movie. Anyone with spinal issues or hemorrhoids might want to avoid this new breakthrough technology, but for the rest of us it sounds like an exciting new development in movie watching. Right? Okay, maybe not. But it’s an idea that could be poised to grow.

It doesn’t take a gypsy fortune teller to predict that J.J. Abrams’s upcoming Amblin Entertainment love letter Super 8 is going to be a huge, gigantic success at the box office this summer. Even from the first trailer alone I can tell that people are going to be seeing this movie multiple times, talking about it all summer, and maybe even drinking out of Burger King cups with its logo on them. The good news for D-Box is that Super 8 is going to be using their shaky chair technology on 50 select screens. If you’re lucky enough to live somewhere near the 50 D-Box enabled theaters that can be found on a map here, then you might be the perfect guinea pig to try this growing craze out.

Personally, I live just a short drive up I-90 from the Rosemont, IL theater that has D-Box seats, so I’m probably a prime candidate to give this potential new craze a whirl. Am I going to? No. Lord no. That sounds so dumb. But, quite frankly, D-Box scares me. The general public loves gimmicks, at least for a while. If buzz starts to build that you can go see a movie as big as Super 8 in shaky chairs, I don’t find it inconceivable that a lot of people will try it out. And then we may start getting movies made specifically for shaky chairs. And then J.J. Abrams might want to start putting D-Box technology into all of your chairs at home. And then there will be shaky chairs installed in cars and airplanes. Where does it end?!

Joel Courtney